A Musical Evening with Lucens

Our music group ‘Lucens’ playing some of their favourite songs to help fundraise for our community work.


Angels Share whisky club

Our Holy Redeemer Church Hall South Bank Street, Clydebank, United Kingdom

Our popular whisky club has its next tasting session.Recommended donation covers the cost of whisky and nibbles provided.


Big Happy Noise Community Choir

Our Holy Redeemer Church Hall South Bank Street, Clydebank, United Kingdom

Starts back on Thursday 24th August 2023 Our choir rehearses most Thursday evenings, 7:30 – 8:30pm. New members (16+) and abilities are warmly welcomed and you can join at any time. No experience necessary and you don’t have to read music.   There’s a cup of tea after for those who want to stay. Come […]


Afternoon Tea

Our Holy Redeemer Church Hall South Bank Street, Clydebank, United Kingdom

Join us for a traditional afternoon tea
